Logo, Orchard Park Child Care, Child Care Center in Minnetonka, MN (952) 938-3333
Crosstown (North of 62 off Baker)
6000 Culligan Way
Minnetonka, MN 55345

"Thank You" testimonials from the families of Orchard Park:

“That's my school,” my son exclaims as we drive past Orchard Park Daycare, “I miss it.”.  Both my daughter (Anja – 10) and son ( Leos – 6) attended Orchard Park from infancy through pre-school. Problem solving and respect for others were the fundamental skills they learned and have carried on into their elementary school years. Their time at Orchard Park was filled with love, learning and building lifelong friendships. Our family is forever thankful that we found Orchard Park and for the cherished memories created there.  P. R. S. and family

Dear Staff,

And just like that I blinked and both of my babies are big kids. We would like to sincerely thank you for the role you played in caring for them. They had an amazing experience at Orchard Park and they learned so much in your care! After dropping off the children for the last time this morning, my oldest came home in tears. She is so sad not to have a reason to go back to her first school. This should be a testament to all of the good quality and hard work of the Orchard Park team! From the bottom of our hearts...Thanks! M. and L. M.

Dear Orchard Park Teachers and Staff,

Saying thank you doesn't cover our gratitude for all the loving and nurturing caregiving you showered upon A. for three years, starting at 6 months all the way to age 4 and 1/2 years. We all have beautiful memories of Orchard Park and credit all of you (and those who have moved on) for guiding her growth in an enriching environment. A. frequently shares things that she did at her now "old school" with joy and sparkles in her eyes. We will miss you! We wish you all the BEST! Love A. and Family.

"You guys are awesome! Thanks for all you do! Jason, Tarsha, Zoe and frankie

Dear Teachers,

We cannot possibly thank you enough for all the great care you gave to Owen. We are very grateful. Thank you also for the car you gave him for his send off. He plays with it non-stop afamnd we think of you and your generousity when we see it! May god bless you for your work! Love, Our Family. The R's.

Dear Orchard Park,

Our son  was wishing he would meet nice care takers and be well-cared for in day care. We really think he got his wishes and a 1000 times more! Thank you for providing him a wonderful start in life. He is always happy, full of energy, confident and well behaved. Our genes have something to do with it :) but the outgoing, care and loving, that's you guys!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you. S. and T. and W.

Dear Orchard,

Words cannot express how blessed we feel to have you as our daughter's caregivers. You provide such a loving, warm and caring environment and it's obvious that you put your "whole selves" into all you do for Lauren. She is so happy with you both and that makes going to work so much more relaxed for us both. Your care and concern for Lauren is unparalleled, and for that we could never thank you enough! Sincerely, Tiffany and Steve

Dear Orchard Staff,

Thank you so much for everything you do. Jackson loves coming to see you and you all welcome him with such love! Erin, Andy and Jackson

Dear Friends at Orchard Park,

Thank you for coming to our open house last month as we said farewell to minnesota. We've missed you all and Orchard Park and the wonderful friends we made there. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of that -- you shaped us and more importantly -- our girls!! Andy, Mauri Raegan and Eliza

Dear Orchard Park Staff,

Thank you for putting together such a wonderful graduation ceremony for our daughter and our family to attend. It was wonderful to hear everyone's words and memories over the years. Thank you for the graduation gift and certificate. This has been a wonderful time and place for her to learn and grow. The B. family

Teachers and Staff at Orchard,

Thank you for having such a wonderful facility filled with amazing teachers. Everyone is so kind and loving...we are going to miss you all more than you know as we head toward kindergarten. The L.'s

A positive learning experience!